Word in the Tom's River beach is that KellyCo is working on a "Device" to help you metal detect for longer periods of time. This "idea" came about from our "Associate" who is right now batteling cancer.. Even the nurses knew of and talked about Merril and quoted from his video'son his famous YT channel. A hospital on the long island knows Metal Detecting NYC and KellyCo!
What a honor to be in a hospital with great doctors and nurses who watch Merrill and take care of our "Associate"also all at the same time!
Without Merrill and KellyCo, there would be no metal detecting. Yes that is a statement from Uncle Tony himself!
Keep a eye out for the new "Device" guaranteed to extend your metal detecting time even longer. Maybe a limited edition signed "Item" may also be in the works along with a long line of other items.
Do it all the tim!